erupture #seven contents

piranha 2 t, ginger spice pop, what more could mel want? yummy. shameless self-promo:
new issues of erratica available!
music reviews + etc:
reviews of CDs by dystopia one and more!
live: black lung andaction adventure systems

essay: David Foster Wallace's Celluloid Seduction the already infamous essay, revised, with new hyperlinks. even more annoying than before!

fiction: mystery dance; excerpt by mel whitehead

Rant: i'm still here

media reviews: Book:The Life of Insects by Victor Pelevin; Great Apes by Will Self Games: Diddy Kong Racing; Robotron 64

A Touchy Subject

the e-rupture archives: no, you really didn't miss aything
E-rupture/Cyberia c/o SNEVIL, JAF Box 8274, New York, NY 10116
editrix/publishess: melpomene whitehead