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he's big! he's huge!
he's mungo!

write me, baby
OK, I already spoke about the men discussing their feelings. I guess on this show, men are from venus too! Let's get into some of the even more surreal aspects of the program. Every night after work all the lawyers get together and go to a piano bar. And every night, the same Carol King/Rickie Lee Jones clone is playing. Every night. What the hell is going on here? And then at some point, the characters on the show get up and dance! Once, they took Ricky from My So-Called Show, only he was a transvestite teenage prostitute with a heart of gold. He danced too, but we already knew he could dance from that episode where he went to the school dance and boogied on down with Brian Crackhouse's date, the chubby "ethnic" girl. These are just a few things that I'm rattling off the top of my addlepated head, mind you. If I actually sat and watched the show I'm sure I could come up with countless examples of Dali-esque behavior.

back to they ally-way...