
music reviews
write me, baby
book reviews
mel's rant
welcome to the planet me

us mail address

if you prefer, sent me real life letters or stuf. send all mail to: melpomene W. c/o Snevil, JAF Box 8274, New York, NY 10116 email:melpomeneX@aol.com

lancelot links

The planet Gibo I can't explain, nor will you
Interstellar Groovy Dave --he lent me Radio Free Albemuth! Ain't that cool? And to quote Ralphie Wiggums "I'm Idaho!"
Go, Buzz, Go! Read and learn
Bluesilver Dementia goth/industrial and related stuff. soon to be a real life zine you can hold in your hot little hands.
Trashcan Bangin' Culture brought to you by the fine folks of Betty's Trash. that popular sin-dustrial act.
DisCorD, who writes for Cyberia and maybe soon this page too -- harangue him! he can take it!
bizarre extra-terrestrial stuff
back to the home planet...